When you give the same answer to a question Whatsapp Number List times a day, at a certain point you think: this has to be done differently.” watermelon 2 Modern and efficient “We were looking for a way to automate our customer service. Automation is the rule rather than the exception these days, so I started looking for a chatbot that works well, but also Whatsapp Number List a bit modern. Finally, on LinkedIn, I came across Watermelon's webinar entitled: 'How to build a successful chatbot.
We were actually excited right away.” Felix Whatsapp Number List a demo about the product with a number of colleagues. “The many options in the Watermelon platform and the many statistics for analysis were decisive. In addition Whatsapp Number List the successful percentages were thrown around our ears; 'automated up to 85% of customer queries'!” says Whatsapp Number List with a smile. “Then we can almost sit back with our feet on the desk.” The build of chatbot Kittie.
Watermelon's onboarding specialist helped Whatsapp Number List build the chatbot through an onboarding process . “We were taken by hand during onboarding until the go-live. That was definitely a plus. We started by drawing out the flow of various conversations, so that we could put this in the platform later. The Watermelon Academy helped us build a chatbot. We also started the course on successful live chatting.” Live within 30 days “Whatsapp Number List you've thought out the conversation flows, you already know a bit about how the chatbot will work,” says Felix.