In settling your divorce, if both of you are diplomats you will likely find success with mediation, a process that allows you to explore the many options that will meet the unique needs of your family. If one of you is a diplomat and the other a general, you might consider an alternative dispute resolution process that offers a little more direction, such as early neutral evaluation. Even if you are both generals, you can still consider alternative dispute resolution. It will be much more rewarding if you are successful at reaching your own agreement and you can always go to court if your efforts fail. You have nothing to lose and much to gain.
Satellite television is at least familiar to most consumers. Even if you subscribe to a cable provider (why would you do that?), you are at Telephone Number List least familiar with the company names DirecTV and Dish Network. Are these companies a good investment? Because, like it or not, your television programming is an investment. If you do not make some form of monetary investment in television programming (read as subscription), then you will not be able to take advantage of said programming.
Strangely, or not so strangely, television has become one of the bonds that hold our society together. You'll find groups of people banding together to discuss what they watched on television, as a shared experience. Visualize two sports fans heatedly conversing over the outcome of the last big game. Mentally picture three office workers discussing the bizarre developments in their favorite soap opera. Like it or not, television programming has become a societal adhesive, one of the glues, if you will, that binds our diverse nation together with common views and shared experience.